Monday, May 11, 2020

Career Advice from my Dad

Career Advice from my Dad While my dad was never a career strategist and never even had to face a career transition (he was with one company for 30 years), he did give me some sage advice about my career along the way. Here are a few of my favorite nuggets:  A lot of bosses are idiots. Everyone Ive ever met has an interesting story about a bad boss. The trick is to figure out either how to manage that relationship or get out of it. The  DISC  assessment tool is very useful for figuring out how you communicate with people and how those around you respond to your method of communication. It can help you discover how to tweak your communication style to improve your relationship with a difficult boss.You will never be able to please everyone. It seems like our entire lives are spent trying to please someonea teacher, a boss, a family member. Some people only hear from their bosses when something goes wrong. Be sure to keep track of your stories of success throughout the year so your discussion at performance rev iew time focuses on your positive contributions rather than just the things that need to be improved.No job is worth risking your health for. I meet many people who have sacrificed their health for their jobs. Stress can contribute to numerous health issues including obesity, heart disease, and depression. Examine your career choices and regularly assess how well they are aligned with your overall life goals.Getting fired is not the worst thing that can happen in life. Being fired can be an enormous blow to ones ego, but many people report that it was the best thing that ever happened to them because it allowed them to gain perspective on a bad situation, discover their strengths, and move forward to a more fulfilling career.Put as much money in your 401k as you can. These plans are an easy, relatively painless way to save money. Theres really no reason for anyone, even someone who is just starting out in their career, to pass up this opportunity.Dont expect others to manage your ca reer. My dad taught me a long time ago that no one cares about my career as much as I do. Its certainly beneficial to have a mentor along the way, but ultimately you have to own your career. Take responsibility for that ownership by keeping your  resume  up to date, networking regularly, maintaining relationships with recruiters, and monitoring your online identity.Happy Fathers Day!

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